Dr. Duke's
Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases
Ethnobotanical uses
- Turnera diffusa (TURNERACEAE)
Ache(Head) Eb29: 320;
Ache(Stomach) Standley;
Amaurosis Martinez;
Aphrodisiac Duke,1972, Liogier, Martinez, Standley, Steinmetz;
Astringent Standley, Steinmetz;
Catarrh Duke,1972;
Cold Liogier;
Diabetes Martinez;
Diuretic** Martinez, Standley, Steinmetz;
Dysentery Standley;
Dysmenorrhea Steinmetz;
Dyspepsia Standley;
Enuresis Eb29: 320;
Expectorant Steinmetz;
Infection Liogier;
Intestine Liogier, Standley;
Kidney Steinmetz;
Laxative Duke,1972, Steinmetz;
Lequeur Standley;
Liqueur Liogier;
Malaria Standley;
Nerves Martinez;
Nervine Steinmetz;
Panacea Altschul;
Paralysis Standley;
Renitis Standley;
Stimulant Duke,1972, Steinmetz;
Syphilis Standley;
Tea Liogier;
Tonic Altschul, Liogier, Martinez, Standley, Steinmetz;
Venereal Duke,1972, Liogier
- Turnera pringlei (TURNERACEAE)
Hangover Martinez
- Turnera subulata FL. MAL.; BURKILL, 1966 (TURNERACEAE)
Boil Malaya
- Turnera subulata (TURNERACEAE)
Boil Woi.10
- Turnera ulmifolia (TURNERACEAE)
Ache(Back) Liogier;
Ache(Tooth) Liogier;
Afterbirth Eb29: 320;
Bilious Woi.10;
Bronchitis Martinez, Standley;
Chest Liogier, Standley, Woi.10;
Cold Eb29: 320;
Dysentery Woi.10;
Dysmenorrhea Liogier;
Dyspepsia Liogier, Martinez, Standley, Woi.10;
Emmenagogue Eb29: 320;
Expectorant Pittier;
Fever Eb29: 320;
Hemorrhage Liogier;
Lumbago Brutus;
Metrorrhagia Liogier;
Metroxenia Eb29: 320;
Puerperium Eb29: 320;
Rheumatism Woi.10;
Sore Eb29: 320;
Stomachic Liogier;
Tonic Martinez, Pittier, Standley;
Vertigo Liogier
* = Chemical(s) found in plant shown to be effective for the
ailment medicated
** = Plant itself shown to be effective for the ailment medicated
Phytochemical Database, USDA - ARS - NGRL,
Beltsville Agricultural Research Center,
Beltsville, Maryland
Mon May 20 16:41:05 EDT 2002
Please send questions and comments to:
- James A. Duke (E-Mail:
- or
- Stephen M. Beckstrom-Sternberg
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WebMaster (E-Mail:
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