Dr. Duke's
Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases
Ethnobotanical uses
- Stachytarpheta angustifolia (VERBENACEAE)
Collyrium Broun, Uphof
- Stachytarpheta cayennensis (VERBENACEAE)
Chest-Cold Eb30: 136, Wong;
Collyrium Eb30: 136, Wong;
Depurative Eb30: 136, Wong;
Dysentery Eb30: 136, Wong;
Fever Eb30: 136, Wong;
Heart Eb30: 136, Wong;
Heart attack Eb30: 136, Wong;
Ophthalmia Eb30: 136, Wong;
Panacea Altschul;
Tumor Hartwell;
Vermifuge Eb30: 136, Wong
- Stachytarpheta indica VAHL (VERBENACEAE)
Bruise Burkill,1966;
Dysentery Burkill,1966;
Gonorrhea Burkill,1966;
Sprain Burkill,1966
- Stachytarpheta indica (VERBENACEAE)
Ear Ayensu;
Emmenagogue Pittier;
Maturant Ayensu;
Sore Ayensu;
Tumor Hartwell
- Stachytarpheta jamaicensis VAHL (VERBENACEAE)
Abortive Burkill,1966;
Malaria Burkill,1966;
Rhinosis Burkill,1966;
Sore Burkill,1966
- Stachytarpheta jamaicensis (VERBENACEAE)
Abortifacient Eb29: 322, Woi.10;
Ache(Head) Liogier;
Alopecia Duke,1972;
Amenorrhea Martinez;
Anodyne Martinez;
Asthma Eb29: 322;
Boil Eb28: 29, Eb30: 136, Woi.10, Wong;
Bronchitis Eb29: 322;
Bruise Woi.10;
Cardiac Woi.10;
Cataract Woi.10;
Cathartic Liogier, Uphof;
Chest-Cold Eb29: 322;
Cough Eb30: 136, Wong;
Depurative Eb30: 136, Wong;
Diarrhea Woi.10;
Dropsy Liogier, Uphof, Woi.10;
Dysentery Uphof, Woi.10;
Eczema Eb30: 136, Wong;
Emetic Eb29: 322, Liogier, Uphof;
Emmenagogue Duke,1972, Par, Uphof;
Erysipelas Liogier, Uphof, Woi.10;
Fever Duke,1972, Eb30: 136, Woi.10, Wong;
Flu Eb30: 136, Wong;
Gonorrhea Martinez;
Inflammation Woi.10;
Itch Eb29: 322;
Lactogogue Eb30: 136, Wong;
Nausea Woi.10;
Nerves Liogier, Martinez;
Poison Woi.10;
Pressor* Woi.10;
Puerperium Eb29: 322;
Purgative Eb30: 136, Wong;
Rash Eb30: 136, Wong;
Rectitis Eb30: 136, Wong;
Rheumatism Woi.10;
Rhinitis Eb28: 29;
Sedative Brutus, Liogier;
Skin Eb29: 322;
Sore Eb28: 29, Eb29: 322, Liogier, Uphof, Woi.10;
Sprain Woi.10;
Stomach Eb30: 136, Uphof, Woi.10, Wong;
Stomachic Liogier;
Sudorific Martinez;
Syphilis Martinez;
Tea Uphof, Woi.10;
Tumor Hartwell;
Venereal Uphof, Woi.10;
Vermifuge Eb29: 322, Eb30: 136, Uphof, Woi.10, Wong, ;
Vitiligo Eb30: 136, Wong;
Yellow Fever Martinez
- Stachytarpheta jammacensis (VERBENACEAE)
Tonic Martinez
- Stachytarpheta mutabalis VAHL (VERBENACEAE)
Dysmenorrhea Burkill,1966;
Sore Burkill,1966;
Swelling Burkill,1966;
Wound Burkill,1966
- Stachytarpheta mutabilis (VERBENACEAE)
Dysmenorrhea Woi.10;
Fistula Woi.10;
Poison Woi.10;
Sore Woi.10;
Tumor Woi.10;
Wound Woi.10
- Stachytarpheta urticaefolia (VERBENACEAE)
Abortifacient Woi.10;
Boil Woi.10;
Bruise Woi.10;
Cardiac Woi.10;
Diarrhea Woi.10;
Dropsy Woi.10;
Dysentery Woi.10;
Erysipelas Woi.10;
Fever Woi.10;
Inflammation Woi.10;
Nausea Woi.10;
Rheumatism Woi.10;
Sore Woi.10;
Sprain Woi.10;
Stomach Woi.10;
Venereal Woi.10;
Vermifuge Woi.10
* = Chemical(s) found in plant shown to be effective for the
ailment medicated
** = Plant itself shown to be effective for the ailment medicated
Phytochemical Database, USDA - ARS - NGRL,
Beltsville Agricultural Research Center,
Beltsville, Maryland
Mon May 20 16:37:58 EDT 2002
Please send questions and comments to:
- James A. Duke (E-Mail:
- or
- Stephen M. Beckstrom-Sternberg
Please send technical questions and comments to:
WebMaster (E-Mail:
The USDA does not recommend self diagnosis or self medication.
Please see the disclaimer
for more information.