Dr. Duke's
Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases
Chemicals and their Biological Activities in:
Kalanchoe pinnata (LAM.) PERS. (Crassulaceae) -- Air Plant, Siempre Viva
No activity reported.
No activity reported.
Acidulant JBH
; Antibacterial 5,000 ppm DUKE1992B
; Antiotitic MAR
; Antivaginitic 1-2% DUKE1992B
; Expectorant MAR
; Fungicide M29
; Keratitigenic M&R367
; Mucolytic M29
; Osteolytic DUKE1992B
; Perfumery FEMA 6,000-40,000 ppm ARC
; Pesticide DUKE1992B
; Protisticide M29
; Spermicide MAR
; Ulcerogenic HG20:9
; Verrucolytic DUKE1992B
Antiedemic IC43=40 mg/kg ipr rat DFN:159
; Antiinflammatory IC71=1,000 ppm orl FT63(1):3
; Antitumor DUKE1992B
; Cytotoxic 50-400 DUKE1992B
Antiedemic IC27=40 mg/kg ipr rat DFN:159
Androgenic DUKE1992B
; Anorexic MAR
; Antiadenomic M11
; Antiandrogenic JE28:221
; Antibacterial QJC28:155
; Anticancer (Breast) PS131:95
; Antiedemic IC54=320 mg/kg orl DFN:160
; Antiestrogenic JE28:221
; Antifeedant 382
; Antifertility JE28:221
; Antigonadotrophic JE28:221
; Antihyperlipoproteinaemic JBH
; Antiinflammatory; Antileukemic PJB1(2):287
; Antilymphomic PJB1(2):287
; Antimutagenic 250 ug/mL JAFC37:1365
; Antiophidic 2.3 mg mus EMP5:363
; Antiprogestational JE28:221
; Antiprostaglandin 30 mg/day/12 wks FT68(4):291
; Antiprostatadenomic M11
; Antiprostatitic 10-20 mg/3 x/day/orl man; Antitumor (Breast) PS131:95
; Antitumor (Cervix) PJB1(2):287
; Antitumor (Lung) PJB1(2):287
; Antiviral PS75:161
; Artemicide LC50=110 ppm PC29(5):1667
; Cancer-Preventive 525
; Candidicide QJC28:155
; Estrogenic DUKE1992B
; Gonadotrophic JE28:221
; Hepatoprotective PMP23:60
; Hypocholesterolemic 2-6 g/man/day/orl M30
9-3,330 mg/man/day/orl MAR
; Hypoglycemic JE27:243
; Hypolipidemic 2-6 g/day; Pesticide DUKE1992B
; Spermicide JE28:221
; Ubiquiot JBH
; Ulcerogenic 500 mg/kg ipr rat FT63(1):3
No activity reported.
Aldose-Reductase-Inhibitor 4 ug/ml (weak activity) SKN43:99
; Allergenic M&R317
; Analgesic PMP23:51
; Antiadenoviral EMP5:207
; Antiaggregant JBH
; Antibacterial PAM
; Anticancer JAF47:397
; Anticarcinogenic EMP6:189
; Antiedemic EMP6:189
; Antielastase IC50=93 um/l PMID11199135
; Antiflu EMP5:207
; Antigonadotropic JNM1:10
; Antihemolytic 25 uM PC36:579
; Antihepatoadenomic 200 ppm diet orl mus ACS661:230
; Antihepatotoxic PM56:173
; Antiherpetic 50 ug/ml EC50=>50 ug/ml POP:270
; Antihistaminic DUKE1992B
; AntiHIV EC50=200 ug/ml; Antihypercholesterolemic EMP6:189
; Antiinflammatory JBH
; Antileukotriene DUKE1992B
; Antimutagenic PCF:18
; Antinitrosaminic PCF:18
; Antiophidic FT65(2):101
; Antioxidant 1.3 x Vit. E BO2
1/3 quercetin JAF47:397
30 mM JAF48:235
50 um PC27:973
IC57=30 ppm PCF:221
; Antiperoxidant IC50=44 uM PM57:A54
; Antiprostaglandin PJB1(1):169
; Antiradicular 1/3 quercetin JAF47:397
10 uM PC36:579
30 mM JAF48:235
; Antiseptic JE26:76
; Antispasmodic EC50=3.4-15 uM PR4:73
; Antistomatitic EMP5:207
; Antisunburn PM61:510
; Antithiamin PCF:69
; Antithyroid JNM1:10
; Antitumor 200 ppm diet orl mus; Antitumor-Promoter IC42=10 uM CR48:5941
; Antiulcerogenic; Antivaccinia EMP5:207
; Antiviral IC50=62.5 ug/ml; Calcium-Antagonist IC50=1.2 uM rbt K16299
; Cancer-Preventive 525
; Carcinogenic 2% (diet) PCF:39,277
; Cholagogue WIC
; Choleretic 411
; Clastogenic JBH
; CNS-Active WIC
; Co-carcinogenic PCF:44
; Collagen-Sparing PM61:510
; Cytoprotective CAN
; Cytotoxic TC50=200 ug/ml POP:270
; Diuretic WIC
; DNA-Active JBH
; Fungicide MIC=0.4 mg/ml; Hepatocarcinogenic 400 ppm diet orl mus (in the absence of alcohol) ACS661:230
; Hepatoprotective ACM:210
; Hepatotropic DUKE1992B
; Immunostimulant PPL7:187
; Insectifuge EB48:111
; Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor IC27=5 mM JAF38:688
IC50=62-148 uM JAF44:2057
; Lyase-Inhibitor IC50=94-164 uM JAF44:2057
; Metal-Chelator PCF:25
; Ornithine-Decarboxylase-Inhibitor PCF:19
; Pesticide DUKE1992B
; Prooxidant JAFC45:632
; Prostaglandigenic RWG27
; Sedative 500 mg RWG17
; Sunscreen IC50=2.5 mg/l FT64:134
IC91=5 mg/l FT64:134
IC98=25 mg/l FT64:134
; Tumorigenic 505
; Vulnerary JE26:76
; Xanthine-Oxidase-Inhibitor IC50=39.21 um MAB
Allergenic M&R610
; Antiaphthic 20,000 ppm MAR
; Anticalculic JE26:81
; Anticoagulant M11
; Antimutagenic EMP6:235
; Antioxidant Synergist M11
; Antiseborrheic LRN-JUN89
; Antitumor DUKE1992B
; Disinfectant M29
; FLavor FEMA 370-4,400 ARC
; Hemostat JE26:81
; Irritant ZEB
; Laxative? LRN-SEP91
; Litholytic M29
; Odontolytic ZEB
; Refrigerant MAR
Allelopathic JCE17:865
; Analgesic ACM:69
; Antiaggregant CPB38:1620
; Antiallergic LAF
; Antiarrhythmic PJB1(2):270
; Antibacterial JBH
; Anticancer (Colon) PAL:335
; Anticancer (Forestomach) PAL:335
; Anticancer (Liver) PAL:335
; Anticancer (Skin) PAL:335
; Anticarcinogenic JAF45:661
; Antidysmenorrheic CPB38:1623
; Antiestrogenic JBH
; Antihepatotoxic JBH
; Antiherpetic JAR10:7
; Antiinflammatory PCF:19
; Antimitotic JBH
; Antimutagenic PCF:18
; Antineoplastic (Stomach) NR11:S120
; Antinitrosaminic PCF:18
; Antioxidant 3,000 uM PC27:973
IC51=200 ppm PCF:221
; Antiserotonin JBH
; Antispasmodic LAF
; Antithrombic LAF
; Antitumor JBH
; Antitumor (Colon) PAL:335
; Antitumor (Forestomach) PAL:335
; Antitumor (Liver) PAL:335
; Antitumor (Skin) PAL:335
; Antitumor-Promoter IC46=10 uM CR48:5941
; Antiviral V&D
; Arteriodilator CPB38:1620
; Cancer-Preventive 525
; Candidicide JBH
; Cardiac CPB38:1620
; Cholagogue PHZ46:156
; Choleretic 411
; Fungicide NIG
; Hepatoprotective MAB
; Hepatotropic DUKE1992B
; Herbicide AB68:195
; Hydrocholerectic JBH
; Hypolipidemic NR11:S120
; Immunostimulant EMP1:124
; Insectifuge EB48:111
; Metal-Chelator PCF:25
; Ornithine-Decarboxylase-Inhibitor PCF:19
; Pesticide DUKE1992B
; Phagocytotic; Preservative M11
; Prostaglandigenic RWG27
; Prostaglandin-Synthesis-Inhibitor 0.58-3.2 mM YHH25:412
; Sunscreen CMR9/10/92
; Uterosedative 30-100 mg/kg ivn rat CPB38:1620
Antiinflammatory 30 mg/kg DUKE1992B
; Diuretic JBH
Acidulant MAR
; Antidermatitic WIC
; Antihepatocarcinogenic IC100=1% (diet) CPB38:2012
; Antioxidant M11
; Antipsoriac WIC
; Antitumor 411
; FLavor FEMA 50-3,600 ARC
No activity reported.
No activity reported.
11B-HSD-Inhibitor CPT59:62
; 5-Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor IC50 (uM)=20; Aldose-Reductase-Inhibitor 100 uM JBC8:211
; Antiaggregant 30 uM; Antiallergic RWG122
; Antibacterial 20 ug/ml; Anticancer JAF47:397
; Antifertility 250 mg/kg day/60 days/orl rat PMP23:193
; Antigingivitic 20 ug/ml JNP59:987
; Antihistaminic 411
; Antiimplantation JE32:175
; Antiinflammatory 20 mg/kg DUKE1992B
200 mg/kg ipr rat DUKE1992B
; Antileukemic IC50=3.1 ug/ml LS55:1061
; Antilymphocytic JBH
; Antimutagenic ID50=10-40 nM PCF
; Antioxidant IC50=40 uM PC27:972
; Antiperiodontic 20 ug/ml JNP59:987
; Antiplaque JNP59:987
; Antiradicular 7 x quercetin; Antiseptic 20 ug/ml JNP59:987
; Antiserotonin 200 mg/kg ipr rat FT63(1):3
; Antispasmodic 411
; Antitumor JAF47:397
; Antitumor-Promoter CPB38:774
; Antiulcer 50-200 mg/kg ipr rat; Antiviral; Apoptotic 60 uM PMID10673981
; Aromatase-Inhibitor IC12=1 uM/l JMF2:235
; cAMP-Phosphodiesterase-Inhibitor AFR27:180
; Cancer-Preventive 525
; Carcinogenic ZUL
; Choleretic LAF
; COX-2-Inhibitor COX:50
; Cyclooxygenase-Inhibitor IC50 (uM) =20; Diaphoretic? LRN-DEC90
; Diuretic BJP3:10
; Estrogenic EC50=0.1-25 uM/l JMF2:227
EC50=0.56 uM PMID10923837
; HIV-RT-Inhibitor IC50=50-150 ug/ml JNP54:142
; Hypotensive FT1990:508
; Inotropic PMID10404425
; Iodothyronine-Deiodinase-Inhibitor JBH
; Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor JBH
; MAO-Inhibitor PMID10813558
; Mutagenic JBH
; Natriuretic BJP3:10
; Neuroprotective PMID10813558
; PAF-Inhibitor FT67:548
; Pesticide DUKE1992B
; Protisticide PR13:102
; Quinone-Reductase-Inducer 3 uM; Teratologic DUKE1992B
; Topoisomerase-I-Inhibitor TIH14:223
; Topoisomerase-II-Inhibitor IC50=8.1 ug/ml JNP58:217
; Uterotrophic EC50=0.1-25 uM/l JMF2:227
; Vasodilator JAFC48:220
No activity reported.
Acidulant JBH
; Antileukorrheic M29
; Antioxidant Synergist JBH
; Antivaginitic M29
; Antixerotic M29
; FLavor FEMA 10-25,000 ARC
; Irritant ZEB
; Keratolytic MAR
Bacteristat DUKE1992B
; Bruchiphobe 382
; Hemopoietic DUKE1992B
; Laxative? LRN-SEP91
; Pesticide DUKE1992B
; Sialogogue M29
Cancer-Preventive 525
; Demulcent PJB1(2):279
Antiinflammatory DUKE1992B
; Cosmetic JBH
; Diuretic DUKE1992B
No activity reported.
Antiseptic DUKE1992B
; CNS-Paralytic JBH
; Fatal M29
; Hemostatic M11
; Irritant M&R499
; Pesticide DUKE1992B
; Renotoxic M11
Aldose-Reductase-Inhibitor 4 ug/ml (weak activity) SKN43:99
; Allelopathic JBH
; Antibacterial PHZ46:156
; Antifertility AEHD1:84
; Antihepatotoxic JBH
; Antinitrosaminic JNU
; Antioxidant IC24=30 ppm; Antiperoxidant IC50=>100 uM PM57:A54
; Antispasmodic CAN
; Antitumor; Cancer-Preventive 525
; Choleretic DUKE1992B
; Cytotoxic JBH
; Diaphoretic? LRN-DEC90
; Fungicide NIG
; Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor IC11=5 mM JAF38:688
; Pesticide DUKE1992B
; Prostaglandigenic RWG27
; Prostaglandin-Synthesis-Inhibitor DUKE1992B
Antibacterial POP:58
; Antimutagenic EMP6:235
; Antioxidant PCF:65
; Antiradicular PMID10616967
; Antisickling 10.5 ug/ml; Cancer-Preventive 525
; Fungistat EC50=607 ug/ml NIG
; Immunosuppressant RWG29
; Pesticide DUKE1992B
; Phytoalexin NIG
; Prostaglandigenic JBH
; Secretogogue CAN
; Ubiquiot JBH
Antioxidant JAD
Antispasmodic IWU
; Cholagogue DUKE1992B
11B-HSD-Inhibitor CPT59:62
; 5-Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor IC50 (uM)=4; Aldose-Reductase-Inhibitor 100 uM 4 ug/ml SKN43:99
IC50=0.344 uM ZZZ18:623
IC50=0.84 ug/ml cow CPB43:1385
; Allelochemic IC82=1 mM 438
; Allergenic JBH
; Analgesic FT63(3):197
; Antiaggregant 30 uM JAF45:4505
IC50=55 uM EMP5:333
; Antiallergic IC50=14 uM JIM127:546
; Antianaphylactic PR4(5):201
; Antiasthmatic; Antiatherosclerotic PMID11020457
; Antibacterial JBH
; Anticarcinomic (Breast) IC50=1.5 uM MED
; Anticariogenic ID50=120 ug/ml JAF48:5666
; Anticataract PM56(3):258
; Anticolitic 400 mg/man/3x/day PAM
; AntiCrohn's PAM
; Antidermatitic PAM
; Antidiabetic; Antielastase IC50=0.8 ug/ml DUKE1992B
; Antiencephalitic EMP5:199
; Antiescherichic PMID10857921
; Antiestrogenic; Antifeedant IC52=<1,000 ppm diet 438
; Antifibrosarcomic JAF45:4505
; Antiflu V&D
; Antigastric RR21:85
; Antigonadotropic JBH
; AntiGTF ID50=120 ug/ml JAF48:5666
; Antihepatotoxic PM56(2):171
; Antiherpetic PAM
; Antihistaminic IC50=<10 uM; AntiHIV JNP60(9):884
; Antihydrophobic V&D
; Antihypertensive KCH
; Antiinflammatory (20 mg/kg) 150 mg/kg FT5:1990
; Antileukemic 5.5-60 uM BO2
IC50=10 uM EMP5:225
IC50=>10 ug/ml LS55:1061
; Antileukotriene PAM
; Antilipoperoxidant IC67=50; Antimalarial IC50=1-6.4 ug/ml MPT
; Antimelanomic; Antimutagenic ID50=2-5 nM PCF
; Antimyocarditic EMP5:199
; Antinitrosaminic PAL:339
; Antioxidant 4.7 x Vit. E BO2
ED50=2.3 uM PR14:93
IC96=300 ppm PCF
; Antipancreatitic JNU
; Antiperiodontal PAM
; Antipermeability DUKE1992B
; Antiperoxidant PM57:A110
; Antipharyngitic PAM
; Antiplaque PAM
; AntiPMS 500 mg/2x/day/wmn PAM
; Antipodriac PAM
; Antipolio PAM
; Antiproliferant JNM7:51
; Antiprostanoid PCF:51
; Antiprostatitic JNU
; Antipsoriac PAM
; Antiradicular IC50=4.6 uM PM56(6):695
; Antispasmodic; Antistreptococcic ID50=120 ug/ml JAF48:5666
; Antithiamin PCF:69
; Antithrombic PAL:339
; Antitumor 10 uM; Antitumor (Bladder) JNM7:51
; Antitumor (Breast) JNM7:51
; Antitumor (Colon) JAF45:4505
; Antitumor (Lung) PMID10918203
; Antitumor (Ovary) JNM7:51
; Antitumor (Skin) 20 uM BO2
; Antitumor-Promoter PAM
; Antiviral IC50=10 uM; Apoptotic 20-60 uM; ATPase-Inhibitor NIG
; Bacteristat 10 mg/ml QRNM(SUMMER):91
; Bradycardiac KCH
; Calmodulin-Antagonist PAM
; cAMP-Phosphodiesterase-Inhibitor PAM
; Cancer-Preventive 525
; Candidicide PMID10857921
; Capillariprotective M11
; Carcinogenic 40,000 ppm (diet) mus NIG
; Catabolic AFR27:173
; COMT-Inhibitor QRNM1997:293
; Copper-Chelator PR14:93
; COX-2-Inhibitor <40 uM BO2
; Cyclooxygenase-Inhibitor PCF:49
; Cytotoxic ED50=70 ug/ml PM56(6):677
IC82=100 ug/ml PM57:A113
; Deiodinase-Inhibitor JNM1:10
; Diaphoretic? LRN-DEC90
; Differentiator 5.5 uM BO2
; Estrogenic 10% genistein B02
; Fungicide PMID10857921
; Glucosyl-Transferase-Inhibitor ID50=120 ug/ml JAF48:5666
; Hemostat KCH
; Hepatomagenic 5,000 ppm (diet) rat PCF
; Hepatoprotective FT67:200
; HIV-RT-Inhibitor IC50=<1 ug/ml JNP53(5):1239
; Hypoglycemic 100 mg/kg orl rat JE27:243
; Inotropic PMID10404425
; Insulinogenic PAM
; Juvabional 438
; Larvistat 8,000 ppm diet 438
; Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor IC11=1.25 mM JAF38:688
IC50=0.1-5 uM DFN:154
; MAO-A-Inhibitor QRNM1997:293
; Mast-Cell-Stabilizer DUKE1992B
; Metal-Chelator (Copper) PR14:93
; MMP-9-Inhibitor 20 uM BO2
; Mutagenic HG22:27
; NADH-Oxidase-Inhibitor BJP3:10
; Neuroprotective 5-25 uM PMID11030720
; Ornithine-Decarboxylase-Inhibitor <10 uM; P450-Inducer 5 uM FNF
; P450-Inhibitor 50-100 uM FNF
; Pesticide DUKE1992B
; Phospholipase-Inhibitor BJP3:10
; Prostaglandin-Synthesis-Inhibitor 40 ug/ml PR11:281
; Protein-Kinase-C-Inhibitor PCF:14
; PTK-Inhibitor 0.4-24 uM BO2
; Quinone-Reductase-Inducer 13 uM 6 uM CLE120:213
; Teratologic DUKE1992B
; Topoisomerase-I-Inhibitor IC50=12.8 ug/ml IC50=42 uM BO2
; Topoisomerase-II-Inhibitor IC50=1-6.9 ug/ml IC50=23-40 uM BO2
; Tumorigenic 0.1% diet orl rat/yr 505
; Tyrosine-Kinase-Inhibitor EMP6:170
; Vasodilator; Xanthine-Oxidase-Inhibitor IC50=>0.4 ug/ml CPB38:1772
No activity reported.
Additive FEMA 200-2,000 ARC
; Antifeedant CPB38:2862
; Bruchiphobe 382
; Cancer-Preventive 525
; Dye M11
; Perfumery M11
; Pesticide DUKE1992B
Antioxidant IC39=30 ppm PCF:218
; Ubiquiot JBH
Antisecretory JBH
; Antiulcer JBH
- 382:
Jacobson, M., Glossary of Plant-Derived Insect Deterrents, CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, FL, 213 p, 1990.
- 411:
Williamson, E. M. and Evans, F. J., Potter's New Cyclopaedia of Botanical Drugs and Preparations, Revised Ed., Saffron Walden, the C. W. Daniel Co., Ltd., Essex UK, 362 pp, 1988, reprint 1989.
- 438:
Lydon, J. & Duke, S., The potential of pesticides from plants, pp. 1-41 in Craker, L. & Simon, J., eds, Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants: Recent Advances in Botany, Horticulture, & Pharmacology, v. 4, Oryx Press, Phoenix, 1989, 267pp.
- 505:
Jim Duke's personal files.
- 525:
Stitt, P. A. Why George Should Eat Broccoli. Dougherty Co, Milwaukee, WI, 1990, 399 pp.
- AB68:195:
Angewandte Botanik 68(5/6)=1994. Page 195.
- ACM:210:
Advance in Chinese Medicinal Materials Research. 1985. Eds. H. M. Chang, H. W. Yeung, W. -W. Tso and A. Koo. World Scientific Publishing Co., Philadelphia Pa., page 210.
- ACM:69:
Advance in Chinese Medicinal Materials Research. 1985. Eds. H. M. Chang, H. W. Yeung, W. -W. Tso and A. Koo. World Scientific Publishing Co., Philadelphia Pa., page 69.
- ACS661:230:
Jim Duke's personal files
- AEHD1:84:
Jim Duke's personal files
- AFR27:173:
Jim Duke's personal files
- AFR27:180:
Jim Duke's personal files
- ARC:
Aloe Research Council - Duke writeup of non-peer reviewd book by Coats and draft by Henry
Note: Most ARC numerical data were in mg/dl. I know of no other plant where zinc is more prevalent than other minerals and protein. These data should be viewed as suspect.
- B02:
Jim Duke's personal files
- BJP3:10:
Jim Duke's personal files
- BO2:
Jim Duke's personal files
- CAN:
Newall, C. A., Anderson, L. A. and Phillipson, J. D. 1996. Herbal Medicine - A Guide for Health-care Professionals. The Pharmaceutical Press, London. 296pp.
- CLE120:213:
Uda, Y., Price, K. R., Williamson, G., Rhodes, M. J. C. 1997. Induction of the Anticarcinogenic Marker Enzyme, Quinone Reductase, in Murine Hepatoma Cells In Vitro by Flavonoids. Cancer Lett., 120 (2): 213-216.
- CMR9/10/92:
Chemical Marketing Reporter; a weekly tabloid, 9/10/92.
- COX:50:
Jim Duke's personal files
- CPB38:1620:
Ozaki, Y. and Ma, J-P. 1989. Inhibitory Effects of Tetramethylpyrazine and Ferulic Acid on Spontaneous Movement of Rat Uterus in Situ. Chem. Pharm. Bull. 38(6): 1620-1623, 1990.
- CPB38:1623:
Jim Duke's personal files
- CPB38:1772:
Chem. & Pharm. Bull. 38: 1772.
- CPB38:2012:
Akao, M. and Kuroda, K. 1990. Inhibitory Effect of Fumaric Acid on Hepatocarcinogenesis by Thioacetamide in Mice. Chem. Pharm. Bull. 38(7): 2012-2014, 1990.
- CPB38:2862:
Jim Duke's personal files
- CPB38:774:
Yasukawa, K., Takido, M., Takeuchi, M., Sato, Y., Nitta, K., and Nakagawa, S. 1989. Inhibitory Effects of Flavonol Glycosides on 12-O-Tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate-Induced Tumor Promotion. Chem. Pharm. Bull. 38(3): 774-776, 1990.
- CPB43:1385:
Okada,Y,et al.1995.Search for Naturally Occurring Substances to Prevent the Complications of Diabetes.II.Inhibitory Effect of Coumarin and Flavonoid Derivatives on Bovine Lens Aldose Reductase and Rabbit Platelet Aggregation.Chem Pharm Bull43(8):1385-1387
- CPT59:62:
Jim Duke's personal files
- CR48:5941:
Cancer Research, 48: 5941.
- DFN:154:
Jim Duke's personal files
- DFN:159:
Jim Duke's personal files
- DFN:160:
Jim Duke's personal files
- DUKE1992A:
Duke, James A. 1992. Handbook of phytochemical constituents of GRAS herbs and other economic plants. Boca Raton, FL. CRC Press.
- DUKE1992B:
Duke, James A. 1992. Handbook of biologically active phytochemicals and their activities. Boca Raton, FL. CRC Press.
- EB48:111:
Tunon, H., Thorsell, W., and Bohlin, L. 1993. Mosquito Repelling Activity of Compounds Occurring in Achillea millefolium L. (Asteraceae). Economic Botany 48(2): 111-120, 1994.
- EMP1:124:
Economic & Medicinal Plant Research, 1: 124.
- EMP5:199:
Economic & Medicinal Plant Research, 5: 199.
- EMP5:207:
Economic & Medicinal Plant Research, 5: 207.
- EMP5:225:
Economic & Medicinal Plant Research, 5: 225.
- EMP5:333:
Economic & Medicinal Plant Research, 5: 333.
- EMP5:363:
Economic & Medicinal Plant Research, 5: 363.
- EMP6:170:
Economic & Medicinal Plant Research, 6: 170.
- EMP6:189:
Economic & Medicinal Plant Research, 6: 189.
- EMP6:235:
Economic & Medicinal Plant Research, 6: 235.
- FNF:
Father Nature's Farmacy: The aggregate of all these three-letter citations.
- FT1990:508:
Jim Duke's personal files
- FT5:1990:
Fitoterapia No.5-1990.
- FT63(1):3:
Jim Duke's personal files
- FT63(3):197:
Jim Duke's personal files
- FT64:134:
Lazarova*, G., Kostova, I., Neychev, H. 1992. Photodynamic damage prevention by some hydroxycoumarins. Fitoterapia 64(2): 134-136, 1993.
- FT65(2):101:
Jim Duke's personal files
- FT67:200:
Jim Duke's personal files
- FT67:548:
Jim Duke's personal files
- FT68(4):291:
Jim Duke's personal files
- HG20:9:
HerbalGram No. 20, page 9.
- HG22:27:
Jim Duke's personal files
- IWU:
Iwu, M.M. 1993. Handbook of African Medicinal Plants. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL 435 pp.
- JAD:
Duke, J. A. Writeups or information summaries on approximately 2,000 economic plants, USDA, ARS, Beltsville, MD 20705.
- JAF38:688:
Oszmianski, J. and Lee, C.Y. 1990. Inhibitory Effect of Phenolics on Carotene Bleaching in Vegetables. J. Agric. Food Chem. 38: 688-690.
- JAF44:2057:
Jim Duke's personal files
- JAF45:4505:
Jim Duke's personal files
- JAF45:661:
Jim Duke's personal files
- JAF47:397:
Jim Duke's personal files
- JAF48:235:
Jim Duke's personal files
- JAF48:5666:
Jim Duke's personal files
- JAFC37:1365:
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Oliveira, T. T., Nagem, T. J., Miranda, L. C. G., Paula, V. F., Teixeira, M. A. 1997. Inhibitory Action on Aldose Reductase by Soybean Flavonoids. J Braz Chem Soc, 8(3): 211-213.
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- JNP60(9):884:
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Huang, K. C. 1993. The Pharmacology of Chinese Herbs. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL 388 pp.
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- PC29(5):1667:
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ppm = parts per million
tr = trace
Phytochemical Database, USDA - ARS - NGRL,
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